  • 化学工程
  • 化学调控
  • 药妆品的科学家
  • 环境分析
  • 法医科学家
  • Pre-Medicine
  • Pre-Veterinary医学
  • 公共卫生官员 
  • 质量控制
  • 研究员


对了解化学世界感兴趣. 想要一个灵活的科学学位,可以满足他们的个人和职业目标. 


一个灵活的学位,可以在毕业后用于多种途径. 研究的机会. 


  • 化学调控
  • 环境分析
  • 法医科学家
  • 质量控制
  • 研究员

The chemistry undergraduate major and its specialized options at 乐虎电子 provides opportunities for personal achievement and professional training that are typically not available at many universities. 教师教授所有专业课程. 学生在他们的实验课程中使用最先进的仪器. Many students get involved in fundamental and applied research with faculty research groups and have growth experiences commonly available only to graduate students. Future secondary chemistry and science teachers can participate in supervised laboratory teaching and peer mentoring programs.


Industry and 研究生院s are well aware of the quality of the undergraduate education at NDSU and actively seek out our graduates. 奖学金, fellowships and employment in research groups or in supervised teaching activities can cut the already modest cost of an NDSU education by one‑half or more.


The Department of 化学 and Biochemistry is fully accredited by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and offers programs leading to an ACS‑certified Bachelor of Science degree. Options in biochemistry or coatings and polymeric materials can be added to the curriculum. 为那些计划医疗的人提供专业前的选择, 牙科和其他专业学校也可以. A chemistry major may be combined with secondary school teacher certification with as little as one additional semester for student teaching.

The prescribed curriculum provides a solid grounding through classroom and laboratory work in all of the main areas of chemistry. 主要 laboratory courses are designed to utilize the latest synthesis and characterization methods and employ advanced, computer-interfaced仪器.

Our pre-professional option includes the course work in biological and biochemical sciences that easily meets the requirements of medical, 牙科和其他卫生相关专业学校. 化学专业提供严格的职前教育, 同时也为未来职业规划的改变提供了备用选择.


几乎每个化学教员都积极参与前沿研究, 我们鼓励本科生参与这项研究. Students gain important skills and are exposed to the excitement of the hunt for new knowledge. 这种研究经历通常有助于学生更清晰地确定职业目标.


People often think of the professional chemist as one who stands at a workbench in an industrial laboratory carefully manipulating chemicals or instruments. 许多化学家都是以这种方式受雇的. This is often quite satisfying since many people are drawn to chemistry because they enjoy laboratory work. 有, 然而, 除了实验室研究,化学家还可能从事许多其他工作, 以及许多不同的职业,他或她可以为化学学位做准备. 化学家可能受雇于政府、商业、工业或教育部门. 除了基础研究和乐虎集团研究(实验台), 工业化学家可能参与生产, 技术服务(协助用户使用产品), 国内和国际市场营销和销售, 或者管理和企业规划. 一些化学家更喜欢通过小企业或咨询公司自谋职业.

Analytical chemists are in demand for services to other departments within a chemical company, 对于大小质量控制的关注, 并用于工业环境监测, 政府及私人机构. Organic chemists, also in great demand, study new pharmaceuticals, polymers and other compounds. Materials chemists are needed by all high‑tech industries for their synthesis and characterization skills. 无机化学家研究各种合成, 化合物的表征与乐虎集团. 物理化学家模拟化学结构和反应, 并设计实验和设备来研究它们. The Department of 化学 and Biochemistry offers specialized education and training in each of these fields.

化学学位可以作为从事医学事业的良好准备, 牙科和其他卫生专业. 化学学位也可以让你进入法学院, 也许还会从事专利法方面的工作, 这是一个要求很高的技术职业. 大约一半的NDSU化学专业毕业生进入研究生院或专业学校. 其余的几乎都直接进入了工业. 平均 entry-level salaries for chemistry graduates is $45,300 to $81,400, based on 2016 data from www.payscale.com. For chemists who have advanced degrees, salary and opportunities are often much greater.


化学与生物化学系现有教职工17人. 所有教师都拥有一流大学的博士学位.

Most of the Department of 化学 and Biochemistry’s teaching and research facilities are located in Sugihara Hall, 于2022年开业. 另外一些教学实验室位于A区. 格伦·希尔中心和生物化学研究实验室都在昆汀·伯迪克大楼. 学生接受使用最先进设备的培训, 其中一些在世界上只有少数几个地方复制. Some undergraduate students are trained to use several powerful and sophisticated laser systems, 有些人甚至制造了直接用于研究项目的激光器. 核磁共振谱法, X-ray diffraction and fluorescence are as up‑to‑date as one would expect to find at any major research university. Theoretical chemistry researchers use some of the most powerful computers on the NDSU campus.


Ideal high school preparation for a chemistry major includes four years each of English and mathematics, 每人一年的生物课, 化学与物理. 有个人电脑工作经验者优先. Strong writing and communication skills are as important to success in chemistry as they are in any technical field.


A number of endowed scholarships and fellowships are available to highly qualified applicants. The Department of Coatings and Polymeric Materials offers industry‑funded scholarships and fellowships to chemistry majors interested in taking the coatings and polymeric materials option. 除了, more than half of the students majoring in chemistry are engaged in research and earning substantial portions of their living expenses. Financial support for research experiences is provided principally by grants and contracts of faculty researchers, 本科生(SURE)项目的各种暑期研究经验, 以及国家奖学金和奖学金项目, 比如戈德华特基金会. 自1992年以来, 该系有9名学生获得了金水奖学金, 哪个支付所有的教育费用. Students interested in secondary school teaching have additional funding opportunities as laboratory teaching assistants and discussion leaders in a peer‑tutoring program known as Supplemental Instruction. These positions not only provide an opportunity for help toward meeting expenses but also in adding relevant experience to resumes.